
Fishing Gear Pingers


Fishing and farming methods, Seafood basics

Assessment of interactive acoustic deterrent devices set on trammel nets to reduce dolphin–fishery interactions in the Northern Tyrrhenian Sea

These Underwater Acoustic Alarms Keep Harbor Porpoises Away From Fishing Nets

Avoiding Unwanted Catches: Techniques for Bycatch Reduction

Selective gear technology for fishing

Whale Latest Victim in Andaman Sea Catastrophe - Phuket Wan

Acoustic Deterrent - Prevent Cetacean Bycatch & Porpoise Bycatch

Peru 'pinger' trial deters dolphins but not whales · GreenFutures

Banana Pinger Museum of Design in Plastics

Time-series of the data. Data has been aggregated by on/off cycles

Locations and quantities of small cetacean bycatch in (a) control