
Net ablation measurements: a portable steam drill (Heucke) used


The location of Fedchenko Glacier in Central Asia is displayed in panel

Comparison of mean specific mass balance for Muz Taw Glacier (geodetic)

Steam Ice Drills

Sustainability October-2 2021 - Browse Articles

a) Imaging locations (black arrows pointing in the imaging direction)

Comparison between the annual mass balance series of ECH and regional

The steam-driven HEUCKE ICE DRILL.

Surface mass balance analysis at Naradu Glacier, Western Himalaya, India

Location sketch of the Sachette rock glacier. The coordinates system

Mass balance reconstruction for Shiyi Glacier in the Qilian Mountains, Northeastern Tibetan Plateau, and its climatic drivers

Flowchart synthesising the data processing. Inputs refer to the

Mass balance reconstruction for Shiyi Glacier in the Qilian Mountains, Northeastern Tibetan Plateau, and its climatic drivers

a) Winter and summer values observed at ECH between 1975 and 2012. (b)