
Example of biosensor types with their different target molecule.


Types of interactions between the biomolecule (NPs) and biosensor


Schematic representation of osmotically-induced hydrogel swelling

Conventional two‐stage current to voltage transducer.

Biosensor - Principle, Components, Types & Their Applications

Example of biosensor types with their different target molecule

Muhammad RAMLI, Universiti Malaysia Perlis, Kangar

Nuaim DANIAL, Research Officer

Example of biosensor types with their different target molecule

State-of-the-art in engineering small molecule biosensors and

Schematic representation of osmotically-induced hydrogel swelling

Windings of the proposed transformer. Compensating core to the

Conventional two‐stage current to voltage transducer.

Carbon-based SERS biosensor: from substrate design to sensing

Conventional two‐stage current to voltage transducer.